Travel and Expense

Corporate travel and expense management are constantly evolving and keeping up is critical for both a positive employee experience and your company’s bottom line. Here's everything you need to know to stay ahead of the curve.

Articles about Travel and Expense

"Slimmer en sneller: hoe SAP Concur gemeenten helpt kosten te beheersen De maatschappij digitaliseert in hoog tempo. Als gemeente moet je daarin mee. Geduldig wachten in de rij bij een serviceloket i
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"Het werk in ziekenhuizen is de afgelopen jaren flink veranderd. Veel handmatige werkzaamheden zijn gedigitaliseerd. Dat leidt tot meer efficiëntie, maar toch is de werkdruk nog altijd groot. En dus i
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Sorting through options and promises isn’t easy. To help you separate fact from fiction, we’ve put together a new checklist, Selling Promises Isn’t the Same as Keeping Them.
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Business travel enables your company to sit across the table from key clients it helps you build relationships and foster partnerships with prospective customers it is in fact the si...
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Small to mediumsized businesses are trying to squeeze every ounce of savings out of their budgets right now yet many waste thousands of pounds each year on travel and expenses they c...
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Business travelers reflecting concerns about the impact on companies and careers want to return to the skies road rails and hotels to meet clients and colleagues in person Our recent...
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